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Strategy–led creative for businesses to gain a competitive edge.


As design strategists, we bridge the gap between a strategic plan and a strategy executed. We align the goals of your organization to the needs of your customers— creating exceptional brand experiences. In an overcrowded marketplace, people gravitate toward companies and products they feel an emotional connection with.

We love story. We love technology. We love Ideas. Branding. Activation. Design. Happy clients. We love it all. We can provide a 360° brand development platform from research to brand idea to collateral development. Or we can specialize our services and tailor them to more foundational services, we can help define what your brand means and how to best position it for growth, bringing a brand to life through creative problem solving and ideas geared toward long-term business results.

Jensen Creative Studio’s thoughtful questions and creative design helped greatly as we sought to define our identity and share our mission with a diverse audience.

– Heather Lattimer Founder, San Diego Teacher Academy


Briefing & Kickoff

Meeting with key stakeholders to talk about engagement objectives, opportunities and challenges, priorities, collaborations and goals. 

Onboarding & Discovery

Working together to custom-build a project road map for your brand, including a clearly defined scope and timeline

Research & Strategy

Digging into the history and culture of the brand. Collaborate on insights discovered and map out the path moving forward.

Concept & Design

Exploring directions to bring the brand to life, with focus differentiating from its competitors.  

Refine & Launch

Collaborative process of design evaluation and refinement of the project. 

Free Consultation

We use design to find solutions to complex business problems. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your business, let’s grab a cup of coffee.

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